One of Acharya's sources for testimony of her book comes from Dr. Robert M. Price, author of "The Pre-Nicene New Testament. In defense of Acharya being attacked He wrote that critics should read Her book before making a judgment and not rely on hearsay. That sounds like good advice even from a theologian that sees Himself as a statue of a nude Greek. His advice should have been heeded by the followers of the Zeitgeist movement cult. Most are not familiar with the Bible or the sources listed on Acharya's site. They know very little about Egyptology or ancient history. They rely on hearsay from one source, Acharya.That source depends on hearsay from sources such as Massey, who depend on hearsay from ancient sources. None of it has ever been proven accurate by qualified unbiased archeologists. In defense of those who depend on biased non historical sources,their faithful followers tell Bible defenders that if they have not read the book, they have no right to criticize it. The problem is that the list of comparisons between Jesus and Horus that Christians defend is posted on "Truth Be Known", and can be read by anyone who has never seen the book. It is that list that Christians have a difficult time believing and rightly so. The reader does not have to read about Persian myth to be qualified to criticize fabricated history about an Egyptian god. You do not have to eat an entire meal to know that there is something wrong with the wine.
The latest scholar to have fallen prey to the misinterpretations of the free thinkers, is Kenneth Feders, who was accused of agreeing with the Christ story and praising the Christ in Egypt books. What he stated was that the fact that although the sources used in the books were credibile to the best of his knowledge, it does not make the information true. Feders is an anthrpologist whose interests are in New England and not Egypt. He stated that the book by Acharya is worth consideration. I agree. Every book is worth consideration, if for nothing more than using as an example of the consequences of not checking sources. Ken Feders believes that modern humans are the product of alien astronauts and humans breeding. So much for an unbiased logical view point.
The following are some of the comparisons from the Horus/Jesus connection. Some of them could be interpreted as being what Massey meant in His book, although not all are in His words:
* Horus was born on "December 25th" (winter solstice) in a manger.
* He was of royal descent, and his mother was the "virgin Isis-Mery."
* Horus's birth was announced by a star in the East and attended by three "wise men."
* At age 12, he was a child teacher in the Temple, and at 30, he was baptized.
* Horus was baptized by "Anup the Baptizer," who was decapitated.
* The Egyptian god had 12 companions, helpers or disciples.
* Horus performed miracles, exorcised demons and raised Osiris from the dead.
* The god walked on water.
* Horus was "crucified" between two "thieves."
* He (or Osiris) was buried for three days in a tomb and resurrected.
* Horus/Osiris was also the e figures on a bark,or barque, which is a funeral boat. The twelve gods facing HERU-HER-KHENT-F. T. are not the only figures in the painting. The other figures are twelve godesses,each with a star on their heads.
The Keep
The twelve figures are the twelve hours, not twelve disciples. The texts were originally in the tomb of Pharaoh Tuthmosis III - ca. 1426 BCE. It was copied, with some changes,on the walls of the tomb of Ramesses II ca. 1213. The book of Amduet is concerned with the sun, not the son.The meaning has been translated as "That Which Is In the Afterworld", "Text of the Hidden Chamber Which is in the Underworld" and "Book of What is in the Underworld". It had nothing to do with a living King. It is the journey of the sun through the underworld after it goes through the first hour just below the western horizon. The sun travels through different worlds at different hours, symbolized by different objects, such as the snake boat in the drawing that represents the fourth hour.In the 12th hour the sun leaves the underworld and brings in the new day.
Massey took different paths in trying to prove that Horus and Jesus were both born on Dec 25th. He apparently was not familiar with the Bible which never mentioned a season much less a particular day of the month. He claimed that the Gnostics had two different dates for the birth of Christ. One was in the winter and the other in summer. He chose the one He though matched the non existing Biblical version. Horus was not considered to be of royal descent. He was a god, he was not from a royal line of kings. Isis was never portrayed as a virgin and was actually thought by Plutarch to have lost Her virginity in the womb to her twin brother. The original texts about the birth of Horus say that He was born when Isis used the phallus of the dead Osirus, husband to Isis, to impregnate herself. It was the only part of Osirus she found after He was thrown to earth and split into 12 pieces, not 12 disciples. Horus was never a teacher. He was born to take revenge on the death of his father,Osirus.
I think one of the most ridiculous claims made by the Zietgiests cult is that there is a connection between Sun and Son. Both are English words and have nothing in common with each other except for sounding alike in English. In Egyptian they do not sound similiar at all and would not have been confused with each other while being translated into Greek.The Egyptian word for son was "sa ( z3 )". There was no word for sun other than the sun god Ra. The connection between Horus was made from the name Ra-Horakhty, which would not have been mistaken by any credible Egyptologists as indicating a son. There is absolutely no connection between the Egyptian son and the English sun. It is a good example of inventing similiarities, which are abundant in the sources used for the movie.