
 Links are provided for those sources that can be read on line.

The Pyramid Text index
The Pyramid Text online
Sacred Texts
The Coffin Texts
Ending The Myth of Jesus-Horus
The Greatest Story Ever Garbled
Zeitgeist The Movie
Horus and Osirus

A lot of what Gerald Massey wrote can be read on line:
"Ancient Egypt,The Light of The World"
"Massey's Lectures"
"The Natural Genesis"
"The Book of The Beginnings"

 E.A.Wallis Budge can also be read on line:
Legends of The Gods
The Book of The Dead
Papyrus Ani
Egyptian Magic

Erik Hornung, "The Ancient Egyptian Books of the Afterlife" is not offered for reading on line that, I am aware of, but there are sites that review and describe the book, as well as his "The Secret Lore of Egypt."
    The Secret Lore of Egypt